Last updated almost 2 years ago. What is this?

White supremacy, as conceptualized by Vanessa Andreotti, refers to a systemic and deeply entrenched ideology that positions white people and their cultural norms as inherently superior to those of other racial backgrounds. This belief system not only sustains but also legitimizes a wide array of social, political, and economic inequalities. It permeates institutions and thought processes, often invisible to those who benefit from it, thus maintaining an oppressive status quo through normalized privileges and biases. Andreotti emphasizes that dismantling white supremacy necessitates both an acknowledgment of its pervasive influence and a collective commitment to transformative practices that challenge its foundations.

See also: cultural supremacy, systemic violence, indigenous people, power relation, colonial future

David Lam Chair in Multicultural Education Masterclass: Stacked Weights, Dr. Vanessa Andreotti 265